Welcome to Champaign Uncorked!
Celebrating Life in Champaign County, Ohio
One of my favorite walking routes, just up the street from my home … the Washington Avenue extension of the multiuse Simon Kenton Trail, a real treasure for walkers, runners and bicyclists.
I’m Gary Schenkel, a freelance content writer and creator of Champaign Uncorked. This blog is my way of sharing with you the many good things to know and celebrate about Champaign County, Ohio.
As a freelance writer, I work from home, in Urbana, Ohio. I could do this anywhere. I’m glad I’m doing it here.
In my posts on Champaign Uncorked I’ll share news about people, places, businesses, organizations and events that make this the place I’m glad to call home.
I originally launched Champaign Uncorked in 2010. But for the last few years, I’ve paused it.
Now, in 2023, I’m pressing play, to resume sharing the good news of Champaign County.
With Champaign Uncorked, I aim to fill some of the gap created by a decline in local journalism, which impacts communities across the country. As people get more of their news from social media and national channels, local newspapers are going out of business – about two a week.
I take this personally. I moved to Urbana, right after college, to join the newsroom at the Urbana Daily Citizen. First, as a reporter, then as managing editor. Back then the UDC published six days a week. Recently, due to declining circulation and financial resources, the paper cut back to twice a week. And that’s come with a decline in original local reporting.
A little bit about me and my family…
Following my time at the newspaper, I worked a few years in public information at Ohio Northern University in Ada. Next came 15 years with Mercy Health Partners-Western Ohio (now Mercy Health) in Urbana and Springfield, in marketing communications, public relations, physician recruitment and grant writing.
And since 2004, I’ve been a freelance business content writer.
Champaign County has been an excellent place to set my roots with my family. My wife, Kay, and I recently celebrated our 40th anniversary. She grew up in Urbana, and we met after I moved here. We’re active members of the Urbana United Methodist Church, and she serves as fiscal officer of the Champaign County Library.
I serve on the board of the Champaign County Historical Society Museum and have volunteered with the Gloria Theatre and Simon Kenton Pathfinders.
Our son Andy, who lives and works in Columbus, serves on the board of the Cedar Bog Nature Preserve. Our son Alex and his wife, Katie, who live in Urbana, serve together on the board of the Champaign County Preservation Alliance.